About Me

By Antonio Rocha - March 17, 2018

   Hi, my name is Antonio Rocha, I am 18 years old, and I am a fashion design student at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM).  I aspire to become a prominent fashion designer in the LGBTQI+ community, specifically the drag queen community. While I do not do drag myself, I love watching others do drag.

   Although I am pursuing a career as a fashion designer, I have interests outside of that field including the LGBTQI+, politics, drag, and more. I created this blog in order to express my thoughts and ideas regarding particular topics and issues prevalent to these interests. Also, I hope this blog one day serves as a platform to educate and learn from others.

   I am also a minority in multiple ways. I am a latino, I am gay, and I am a lower-middle-class individual. As such, I have found that I must try harder in life to achieve all sorts of goals, and this is something almost any latino, gay, or lower-middle-class person can relate too. Thus, I've become a very judgmental, hard working, perfectionist about all my work, especially now as a fashion design student.

   I hope this has given enough insight about me to peak the interest of anyone reading this. And thank you for your time and attention.

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  1. WOW how inspiring! Totes will continue to read what you post about girlie!
